July was a busy month here at DAKTARI. With a big group of volunteers we couldn’t possibly let everyone teach the whole day. But luckily there was still a lot to be done around the camp!

We split our volunteers into two groups. These two groups switched daily between teaching and maintenance. That way everyone had a fair chance of teaching the classes they wanted to teach, but also enough free time and other planned activities to keep them busy.

Several of our enclosures were giving a new lick of paint and so were the big plant pots you see when driving up to our gate. Even though the afternoons get pretty hot here, no task was too big for our lovely volunteers. Every time they completed a task, they immediately wanted to start something new!

Besides painting around the camp and building a few new houses for some of our animals, we also started renovating the pool. Emptying it seemed like the most fun part of it all and it obviously didn’t surprise us when a big water fight broke out  After getting all of the water out, the volunteers helped sand all of the walls down and rinse everything off. The pool is slowly but steadily getting closer to being finished, but we’ll leave all of that as a surprise for in a few weeks!