You can donate online through any one of our project pages on GlobalGiving. Donations to our GlobalGiving projects are tax deductible for US taxpayers and completely secure for everyone. UK taxpayer donations are eligible for GiftAid.
We have been using GlobalGiving platform since the creation of DAKTARI in 2006.
The GlobalGiving Team has supported us tremendously and we wouldn’t have made it so far without their professional support and matching fund.
Do not hesitate to donate through them, even if they take a little commission, it is cheaper than bank fees and we get so much back from their network!
Are you interested in making an unrestricted contribution to DAKTARI? Donations can then be used for any of the projects listed above. You can donate online through the secure PayPal link – we will be informed of your donation and you will regularly receive reports on the progress of the project and how your contribution has helped.
If you live in South Africa you can get the MySchool Card or download the MySchool App and add us as beneficiary for donations through your shopping! This card is completely free and can be used at several stores across the country. Every time you swipe your card at one of MySchool’s partner schools, DAKTARI will get a percentage of your purchase donated!
Our Dutch friends can also donate to our projects through our PIF website. Donations made there are tax deductible and completely safe.

You can become a sponsor and adopt one of DAKTARI’s orphaned animals. Each and every one has a special place with us and we do our best to ensure they have a comfortable and happy life.
DAKTARI is always looking for help with small projects and many of them can be done remotely. If you have a particular skill that you can use to help DAKTARI, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly at! We also have a page on GivingWay where we’ve listed some ways you could help us without having to come out to South Africa 🙂
Alternatively, if you are looking to get more involved and want to contribute your skills for 6-12 months, have a look at our long-term volunteering page.
Spread the word to your friends and family, encouraging them to learn about DAKTARI! Our website and social media platforms provide easy access to comprehensive information about our organization. Additionally, you can play a vital role by sharing our informative posts on social media, amplifying our mission and initiatives to a broader audience.
Your support in sharing our content will help raise awareness and engage more individuals in our cause, fostering a community dedicated to education, environmental awareness, and positive change!
Share your expertise for impact! You can apply for long-term volunteering positions or simply book a volunteering with us anytime by contacting us either via email or directly through our website.
Volunteering abroad or in your own country in a project like ours is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that broadens your perspective of the world and helps impact the lives of so many: from the kids, our employed staff and many other indirect beneficiaries.
Encourage friends and family to volunteer with us to help make our world a better place!
It’s obviously not the most fun subject to talk about, but another way you could leave your mark in our organisation is to add DAKTARI into your will. Any donation, no matter the size, would be more than appreciated. And we will obviously do everything in our power to put your donation to good use. If you want to, you can even tell us what you’d want your donation to be used for.
If you’re thinking about adding DAKTARI into our will, be sure to check out the rules in your country. In some places a handwritten will suffices, other countries need you to go through an attorney.
Due to the risk of fraudulent activities on our accounts we cannot display our bank details publicly, please contact to request the information. Thank you for your understanding.