Jeanne Lazarevic, Daktari Volunteer 09/03/2013 – 22/03/2013
Daktari! What marvelous souvenirs! There is no crossed eyed lion like on TV at the time of my childhood, but Daktari is an unforgettable experience.
Daktari was my first volunteer trip, in March 2013. Michèle, Ian and their team have welcomed me warmly and I immediately felt very good, in a kind of nice smiling family. I have appreciated meeting other volunteers from different countries; I have been filled with emotion by children who are happy to learn and to understand. I was feeling alive, happy, serene, walking in the bush, taking care of animals, especially with meerkats, marmosets and the bush pig. There is also a beautiful leopard and a lot of other animals. Everything is very well organized, comfortable, meals are excellent. Days are very busy, everyone makes the most of himself, but it is so pleasant that you do not feel that you are working.
You learn a lot about this African life and about yourself too. It is a kind of rebirth: you are transformed, your mind changes, you have new ideas, you sense life differently, you are fully here, now, as a part of the world and something softly tickles your heart.
Once your stay is finished, you just want one thing: go back to Daktari! Change your life and feel fulfilled being useful to nature and to humankind.
Furthermore, all around the area, there are many beautiful places to visit during the week ends: the Kruger Park and the big 5, the Blyde River Canyon mind-blowing landscapes, the walking safaris accompanied by a cheetah, and many other places and activities to discover and enjoy.
But for me, my best souvenirs are the children’s eyes shining of satisfaction and happiness once they have understood the lesson, marmosets and meerkats hugs, the evening meetings to discuss about the day, Michèle’s heart laugh, Ian’s very good jokes and also the sleep beneath millions of stars at the Kruger Park.
In short, it is “all in one”: tourism, beauty, friendship, altruism, harmony, learning or reminding of life essentials and a lot of love. Do not hesitate! Go to Daktari!
I have been there and today, my life is really changing. It has been a wonderful experience which made me decide to leave my “robot” office job in France and start a new heart life dedicated to nature and children.
Well done, Michèle, Ian and your team for this marvelous project you have built with heart and courage! Thank you for the happiness and love you are spreading all around you, not only for animals and children, but also for foreign volunteers like me that discover an essential component of sheer happiness.
THANK YOU. I miss you very much…