Sinclair Smith, Daktari volunteer 30/04/2011 – 27/05/2011
I spent 2011’s month of May at Daktari.
Wild life, Humanity, Adventure.
After landing in one of South Africa’s main airports, you take another plane (believe it or not this one is a propeller aircraft). You can feel every little vibration and mini-turbulence , if you are not used to flying, it can quickly become an adrenaline trip. Eventually, you land. You are about to see for the first time the last bastion of civilisation: Hoedspruit. Once all the luggage recovered (or not haha) you will be heading towards the Kruger Park in a typical mini-van. If you are attentive enough you might see some road signs you probably won’t find anywhere else.
One of the main ingredients of Daktari’s beauty is your fellow companions: I had the chance to meet an “interesting” swiss guy, a (what a surprise) huge Deutschman and some of the finest female specimens coming from the United-States, Scotland, England, Germany…
Then comes the trip in the bush, the first encounters with wild life (even a part of the Big Five if you’re lucky enough). Now, the team, the “cadre”, the explanations…for you won’t have as much luxury as you have at home. (running water, electricity etc.) Each and everyday is a succession of discoveries, laughter (big up to Mr Porcupine) and enjoyment.
You will be able to take care of a multitude of creatures, from the meerkats to the leopard, from the tortoise to the rats…and all this with the help of the youngsters from the nearby schools…English, Mathematics, Geography, Sexual Education, singing and dancing around the fire…meeting and sharing. You will learn from them as much as they do from you.
The hardest part is when the end of the week arrives and you have to say goodbye.
I would like to say a huge “Thank you” to Michele and Ian for I did not take the opportunity before.
Sinclair Smith
P.S and some more thanks to Thabo, and the whole team!